Berhanu and Juddah

October 31, 2010
Berhanu is a young man in Korah who goes with me on all the hospital and clinic runs. I wouldn't be able to accomplish what we are able to get done in one day if he wasn't part of the team. He is an awesome man of God, and was with me the day we found the twins. Here is a picture of him holding Juddah for the first time. In Korah men just don't hold newborns. It's part of their culture. But when I handed off Juddah to Berhanu, it was if he had been a father for a long time. It just came natural to him. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he let me know that he had never held a baby before. By the smile on his face and the way he was gently talking to and comforting Juddah, I would have never have guessed it was the first time he was holding a baby.

whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "this is the way; walk in it" Isaiah 30:21

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